都柏林公交车双层撞车在市政厅附近,司机受伤,道路暂时关闭。 Dublin Bus double-decker crashes near City Hall, driver injured, road temporarily closed.
星期五下午三点半左右, 一辆都柏林双层巴士在市政厅附近坠毁, 撞上了一个灯柱。 A Dublin Bus double-decker crashed near City Hall Friday afternoon, around 3:30 PM, hitting a lamp post. 男性驾驶员在50多岁时是唯一一名受伤者,因无生命危险受伤被送往圣詹姆斯医院。 The male driver, in his 50s, was the only one injured and was taken to St. James' Hospital for non-life-threatening injuries. 应急服务得到响应,道路在重新开放前暂时关闭。 Emergency services responded, and the road was temporarily closed before reopening. 乘客被安全护送下巴士。 Passengers were safely escorted off the bus.