UnitedHealthcare 首席执行官之死中使用的子弹上蚀刻的文字表明可能的动机。 Words etched on bullets used in UnitedHealthcare CEO's death suggest possible motives.
一位机密消息人士向美联社透露,UnitedHealthcare 首席执行官之死中使用的弹药包含“否认”、“捍卫”和“废黜”等词。 A confidential source revealed to the Associated Press that ammunition used in the death of UnitedHealthcare CEO contained the words "deny," "defend," and "depose." 首席执行官的确切死因仍在调查中,当局正在探索不同的可能性,包括犯规。 The exact cause of the CEO's death is still under investigation, with authorities exploring different possibilities, including foul play. 弹药上的文字可能提供有关杀人动机的线索。 The writing on the ammunition may provide clues about the motives behind the killing.