在曼哈顿谋杀美国卫生首席执行官时 发现的子弹上 找到的词是"Deny" "Defend" "defend" "depose" Words "Deny," "defend," "depose" found on bullets used in Manhattan murder of U.S. health CEO.
据美联社消息称,美国一家主要健康保险公司的首席执行官被杀时使用的弹药上写有“Deny”、“defend”和“depose”这几个字。 According to an Associated Press source, ammunition used in the killing of a CEO of a major U.S. health insurance company had the words "Deny," "defend," and "depose" written on it. 谋杀发生在曼哈顿,枪手戴着面具。 The murder took place in Manhattan, and the gunman was wearing a mask. 犯罪背后的动机仍然不明朗,调查正在进行中。 The motive behind the crime remains unclear, and the investigation is ongoing.