两名 TSTV 高管及其公司在阿布贾联邦高等法院被 EFCC 指控逃税、洗钱和预付费欺诈。 2 TSTV executives and their companies charged by EFCC in Abuja Federal High Court with tax evasion, money laundering, and advanced fee fraud.
两名 TSTV 高管,Bright Ikechukwu Echefu(董事总经理)和 Felix Nnamdi Igboanuga 博士(执行董事),连同他们的公司 TSTV 和 Briechberg Investment Limited,在阿布贾联邦高等法院被 EFCC 指控犯有九项逃税、洗钱和预付费欺诈等刑事罪名。 Two TSTV executives, Bright Ikechukwu Echefu (MD) and Dr. Felix Nnamdi Igboanuga (Executive Director), have been charged by the EFCC alongside their companies, TSTV and Briechberg Investment Limited, in the Federal High Court in Abuja on nine criminal counts of tax evasion, money laundering, and advanced fee fraud. 经济和金融犯罪委员会指控被告逃税,包括逃缴增值税、公司所得税以及从 165 名员工的工资中扣除预扣所得税,从而构成洗钱行为。 The EFCC alleges the defendants committed money laundering by evading taxes, including VAT, company income tax, and Pay As You Earn deductions from 165 employees' salaries. 审判将于7月15日开始。 The trial is set to begin on July 15th.