2名青少年在芝加哥南岸被枪杀;1名15岁女孩和1名18岁的男子住院。 Two teens were shot in Chicago's South Shore; a 15-year-old girl and an 18-year-old man were hospitalized.
星期四上午11点15分左右,一名15岁女孩和一名18岁男子在南Yates大道上行走,当时一辆灰色轿车停下,里面有人开枪。 Two teens were shot in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood Thursday morning around 11:15 a.m. A 15-year-old girl and an 18-year-old man were walking on South Yates Boulevard when a gray sedan pulled up and someone inside fired shots. 这名 18 岁的女孩的腿部和手部被击中,而女孩的臀部受伤。 The 18-year-old was hit in the leg and hand, while the girl suffered a hip injury. 两人都住院;该男子状况良好。 Both were hospitalized; the man is in fair condition. 没有抓获任何嫌疑人。 No suspects have been caught.