教师,由于在TasTAFE讲习班的一氧化碳含量高而住院的学生。 Teacher, students hospitalized due to high carbon monoxide levels in TasTAFE workshop.
TASTAFE在霍巴特的汽车车间数月无视一氧化碳的高浓度, 导致11月一名教师和两名学生住院中毒。 TasTAFE's automotive workshop in Hobart ignored high carbon monoxide levels for months, leading to a poisoning incident that hospitalized a teacher and two students in November. 一项评估显示,通风不良,过滤器被阻塞,造成有毒空气。 An assessment revealed poor ventilation and blocked filters caused the toxic air. TasTAFE和WorkSafe正在调查,工会呼吁在恢复上课前紧急修复通风系统。 TasTAFE and WorkSafe are investigating, with the union calling for urgent fixes to the ventilation system before classes resume.