一名患有精神疾病的男子在加州一所学校射杀了两名幼儿园学生,然后射杀了他自己。 A man with mental illness shot two kindergartners and then himself at a California school.
一名有心理健康问题的 56 岁男子格伦·利顿 (Glenn Litton) 在加利福尼亚州奥罗维尔 (Oroville) 的羽毛河基督复临安息日会学校 (Feather River School of Seventh-Day Adventists) 开枪打伤了两名幼儿园学生,然后自杀。 A 56-year-old man with mental health issues, Glenn Litton, shot and critically wounded two kindergartners at Feather River School of Seventh-Day Adventists in Oroville, California, before killing himself. 有犯罪历史但没有暴力犯罪的利顿使用诡计让一个虚构的孙子入学。 Litton, who had a criminal history but no violent crimes, used a ruse to enroll a fictitious grandchild to gain entry. 枪击事件是由于他对美国卷入中东的反应,两名受伤的男孩,年龄分别为 5 岁和 6 岁,预计将面临漫长的康复期。 The shooting occurred due to his response to America's involvement in the Middle East, and the two injured boys, aged 5 and 6, are expected to face long recoveries.