患有精神病的枪手在加利福尼亚学校重伤两名幼儿园学生,然后死亡。 Mentally ill shooter critically injures two kindergartners at California school before dying.
一名精神病患者在北加州一所小型宗教学校对两名幼儿园学生造成重伤,然后自杀。 A mentally ill individual critically injured two kindergarten students at a small religious school in Northern California before taking his own life. 枪手使用了登记孙子的诡计,他认为以儿童为目标是对美国卷入中东冲突的“反制措施”。 The shooter, who used the ruse of registering a grandson, believed targeting children was a "countermeasure" against U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts. 当地执法部门正在调查这起事件,这引发了人们对学校安全的担忧。 Local law enforcement is investigating the incident, which has raised concerns about school security.