以液化石油为燃料的船舶尽管只占深海船队的3.67%,但正在迅速增长,突出了基础设施的需要。 LNG-fueled ships, despite comprising only 3.67% of deep-sea fleets, are growing rapidly, highlighting infrastructure needs.
SEA-LNG工业集团报告说,尽管全球深海船队只占3.67%,但LNG燃料型船只的增长速度比其他替代燃料要快。 Industry group SEA-LNG reports that despite representing only 3.67% of the global deep-sea fleet, LNG-fueled vessels are growing faster than other alternative fuels. 由于目前约有2 200艘LNG动力船舶正在运营或正在运行,该部门面临严重的基础设施缺口,特别是在船用燃料供应和陆上设施方面。 With around 2,200 LNG-powered ships currently in operation or on order, the sector faces a critical infrastructure gap, especially in bunker fuel supply and landside facilities. SEA-LNG强调需要增加对LNG生产和供应基础设施的投资,以支持迅速增长的船队。 SEA-LNG emphasizes the need for increased investment in LNG production and supply infrastructure to support the rapidly growing fleet. 小组还呼吁采用标准化的监管链模式,以核实低碳燃料,并加快向更绿色航运的过渡。 The group also calls for standardized chain of custody models to verify low-carbon fuels and accelerate the transition to greener shipping.