立陶宛以138.04M欧元获得LNG号FSRU独立号船,促进能源独立。 Lithuania acquires LNG vessel FSRU Independence for €138.04M, boosting energy independence.
立陶宛拥有一家来自挪威公司Höegh Evi的液化天然气船FSRU独立号的所有权,该船以立陶宛国旗注册。 Lithuania has taken ownership of the FSRU Independence, a liquefied natural gas vessel, from Höegh Evi, a Norwegian company, registering it under the Lithuanian flag. 购置费用为1.3804亿欧元,符合立陶宛关于到2024年拥有码头的要求。 The acquisition, costing €138.04 million, aligns with Lithuania's requirement to own the terminal by 2024. Högh Evi将继续在今后五年内管理该船的作业,并可选择延长。 Höegh Evi will continue to manage the vessel's operations for the next five years, with an option to extend. 自2022年停止俄罗斯天然气进口以来,FSRU对立陶宛的能源独立至关重要,它为该区域提供了大量天然气供应。 The FSRU, crucial for Lithuania's energy independence since ceasing Russian gas imports in 2022, has provided significant gas supplies to the region.