谢珀顿附近的一个养牛场已确认爆发炭疽病,导致牛群死亡,邻近的农场被隔离,并需要接种疫苗。 Confirmed anthrax outbreak on a cattle farm near Shepparton leads to cattle deaths, neighboring farms quarantined, and vaccinations.
谢珀顿附近的一个养牛场已确认爆发炭疽病,导致数头牛死亡。 An anthrax outbreak has been confirmed on a cattle farm near Shepparton, leading to the death of several cattle. 受影响的农场和邻近农场已被隔离,受影响农场的剩余牛也已接种疫苗。 Affected and neighboring farms have been placed under quarantine, and remaining cattle on the affected property have been vaccinated. 这是该地区一系列炭疽疫情中的最新一起,但当局强调尽早报告以限制其传播的重要性。 This marks the latest in a series of anthrax outbreaks in the region, but authorities emphasize the importance of early reporting to limit its spread.