德里高等法院驳回了为被捕政治领袖进行虚拟竞选的请求。 Delhi High Court dismisses petition for virtual campaigning for arrested political leaders.
德里高等法院驳回了允许被捕政治领袖通过线上方式参加人民院选举竞选的请求,称此举“极具冒险性”且违反基本法律原则。 Delhi High Court dismisses petition to allow arrested political leaders to campaign virtually for Lok Sabha polls, citing it as "highly adventurous" and against fundamental principles of law. 法院表示,法院不制定政策决定,此类问题应由议会决定。 The court stated that courts do not make policy decisions and that it is for Parliament to decide such issues. 此前,有人请求印度选举委员会制定一项机制,允许政治领导人和候选人在合理的限制下进行虚拟竞选,随后该委员会被解职。 The dismissal comes after a plea sought direction for the Election Commission of India to develop a mechanism allowing political leaders and candidates to campaign virtually with reasonable restrictions.