印度最高法院驳回被捕政客在选举期间进行虚拟竞选的请求。 Supreme Court of India dismisses plea for arrested politicians to campaign virtually during elections.
印度最高法院驳回了允许被捕政客在选举期间进行网络竞选的请求。 The Supreme Court of India has dismissed a plea seeking permission for arrested politicians to campaign virtually during elections. 法院拒绝干涉德里高等法院同样驳回该请求的命令。 The court refused to interfere with the Delhi High Court's order that had also rejected the petition. 法庭指出,该请愿书具有恶意,并且针对特定的政治家,大概指的是德里首席部长阿尔温德·凯杰里瓦尔 (Arvind Kejriwal)。 The court noted that the petition had malicious intent and was focused on a specific politician, presumably referring to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.