五眼人警告年轻人网络激进化, 敦促社会采取行动防止极端主义。 Five Eyes warn of youth radicalization online, urging societal action to prevent extremism.
五眼安全机构警告说,受网上内容严重影响的青年日益激进化为暴力极端主义。 Five Eyes security agencies warn of rising youth radicalization into violent extremism, influenced heavily by online content. 这些机构呼吁采取“全社会应对措施”,让家长、心理健康服务机构、社区和学校参与其中, The agencies call for a "whole-of-society response" involving parents, mental health services, communities, and schools to identify and address signs like increased aggression, isolation, or secretive behavior. 目标是在需要安全干预之前,防止激进化。 The goal is to prevent radicalization before it requires security intervention.