MI5将重点从反恐转向应对来自俄罗斯和伊朗日益增加的威胁。 MI5 shifts focus from counter-terrorism to tackle increasing threats from Russia and Iran.
联合王国的安全部门MI5正在将重点从反恐转向应对来自俄罗斯和伊朗的日益严重的威胁,包括破坏和暗杀。 MI5, the UK's security service, is shifting its focus from counter-terrorism to address growing threats from Russia and Iran, including sabotage and assassinations. Ken McCallum总干事指出,MI5必须“收回”其反恐努力,因为资源有限和敌对国家的“世代挑战”。 Director General Ken McCallum stated that MI5 must "pare back" its anti-terrorism efforts due to limited resources and a "generational challenge" from hostile states. 该机构还对网上年轻人激进化问题感到关切。 The agency is also concerned about online radicalization of young people.