德法克托2024年推荐的金融顾问平台名单 Quilter 顶级名列前茅,但面临客户外流问题。 Quilter tops Defaqto's list of recommended financial adviser platforms for 2024, but faces client outflows.
Defaqto称Quilter为2024年最高推荐金融顾问平台, Defaqto named Quilter as the top-recommended financial adviser platform for 2024, followed by Aviva, with seven of the top ten platforms earning a gold service rating. 报告强调,考虑到成本和风险等因素,顾问必须作出彻底的尽职调查。 The report highlights the importance of thorough due diligence by advisers, considering factors like costs and risks. 尽管Quilter名列前茅,但它在2024年报告大量外流和收费重新定价。 Despite Quilter's ranking, it reported significant outflows and charge repricing in 2024.