新的3D平台让农民几乎可以探索维多利亚的可持续土壤健康技术。 New 3D platform lets farmers virtually explore sustainable soil health techniques in Victoria.
一个新的3D在线平台让蔬菜种植者在维多利亚州Tarwin的一个试验点探索土壤健康技术。 A new 3D online platform lets vegetable growers explore soil health techniques virtually at a trial site in Tarwin, Victoria. 该网站由Schreurs和Sons主持,展示了可持续的耕作方法,如覆盖作物、堆肥和最低耕作法,以改善土壤健康。 Hosted by Schreurs and Sons, the site demonstrates sustainable farming methods like cover crops, compost, and minimum tillage to improve soil health. 该平台由农业知识促进土壤财富比较方案项目开发,帮助种植者获取试验结果,并学习如何直接从其农场建立更具复原力的耕作系统。 Developed by AgriKnow for the Soil Wealth ICP project, the platform helps growers access trial results and learn about building a more resilient farming system directly from their farms.