英国农民Mark Green分享可持续的土壤技术,旨在建立一个碳中和农场。 UK farmer Mark Green shares sustainable soil techniques, aiming for a carbon-neutral farm.
Mark Green是英国赫里福德郡两家农民农场的共同创始人, 在最近的一次会议上分享了他的土壤管理技术。 Mark Green, co-founder of Two Farmers crisps in Herefordshire, UK, shared his soil management techniques at a recent conference. 自2015年以来,绿色利用混合覆盖作物和卫星图像来加强土壤结构、排水和肥力。 Since 2015, Green has used mixed cover crops and satellite imagery to enhance soil structure, drainage, and fertility. 他计划生产生化植物,使农场碳中和。 He plans to produce biochar to make the farm carbon-neutral. 这一方法强调可持续性,并赢得农民的承认。 The approach emphasizes sustainability and has gained recognition among farmers.