39 岁的西约克郡哈利法克斯人迈克尔·默里因诱骗儿童、性侵犯和毒品犯罪被判处 14 年监禁。 39-year-old Michael Murray of Halifax, West Yorkshire, sentenced to 14 years for child grooming, sexual assault, and drug offenses.
39 岁的西约克郡哈利法克斯居民迈克尔·默里因 2 项煽动儿童性行为罪、1 项性侵犯罪和 32 项毒品犯罪被判处 14 年监禁。 39-year-old Michael Murray of Halifax, West Yorkshire, sentenced to 14 years in prison for 2 counts of inciting a child for sexual activity, 1 count of sexual assault, & 32 drug offenses. 他被指控诱骗受害者并向其提供处方药。 He's accused of grooming the victim and providing them with prescription meds. 西约克郡警察局侦探警员里亚·尼科尔森 (Riah Nicholson) 称赞了受害者的勇敢,并发誓要打击性犯罪。 West Yorkshire Police's Detective Constable Riah Nicholson praised the victim's bravery and vowed to combat sexual offenses.