Stephen Rolston因虐待4至11岁的女童(包括口交)被判处7年徒刑。 Stephen Rolston sentenced to 7 years for abusing a girl from age 4 to 11, including oral sex.
Stephen Rolston,62岁,因性虐待一名4至11岁的女孩被判处7年徒刑。 Stephen Rolston, 62, was sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing a girl from age 4 to 11. 这种虐待涉及不适当的触摸和口交。 The abuse involved inappropriate touching and oral sex. 受害者,现在的成年人, 忍受着焦虑和抑郁。 The victim, now an adult, struggled with anxiety and depression. 当受害者在看学校演示报告后勇敢地与施虐者对质时,案件曝光。 The case came to light when the victim, after watching a school presentation, bravely confronted her abuser. Rolston将被列入性犯罪者登记册。 Rolston will be placed on the sex offenders' register.