查尔斯顿县任命贾斯汀·皮尔斯为 新的紧急情况管理主任 接替乔·科特斯 Charleston County appoints Justin Pierce as new Director of Emergency Management, succeeding Joe Coates.
查尔斯顿县已任命贾斯汀·皮尔斯 担任新的紧急情况管理主任 Charleston County has appointed Justin Pierce as its new Director of Emergency Management. Pierce带来超过20年的经验, 以前是洛杉矶世界机场的应急管理负责人。 Pierce brings over 20 years of experience, previously leading emergency management for Los Angeles World Airports. 他的目标是加强查尔斯顿县的备灾和抗灾能力,县理事会主席赞扬他的领导能力和经验。 He aims to enhance disaster preparedness and resilience in Charleston County, with the county council chairman praising his leadership and experience. Pierce继承了已故Joe Coates的角色 Pierce succeeds the late Joe Coates in the role.