南卡罗来纳州州长提名Edward Simmer博士为新任公共卫生部第一任负责人。 South Carolina's governor nominates Dr. Edward Simmer as the first head of the new Department of Public Health.
南卡罗来纳州州长Henry McMaster提名Edward Simmer博士为新组建的公共卫生部第一任主任。 South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has nominated Dr. Edward Simmer as the first director of the newly-formed Department of Public Health. Simmer曾通过COVID-19大流行病领导卫生和环境控制部,他需要参议院确认这一作用。 Simmer, who previously led the Department of Health and Environmental Control through the COVID-19 pandemic, will need Senate confirmation for the role. 他的任命是国家改组其卫生机构时作出的,Simmer的薪金定为258 960美元。 His appointment comes as the state reorganizes its health agencies, with Simmer's salary set at $258,960.