新汉诺威县教育委员会任命克里斯托弗·巴恩斯博士为常设监事。 New Hanover County Board of Education appoints Dr. Christopher Barnes as permanent superintendent.
新汉诺威县教育委员会一致决定任命临时总监克里斯托弗·巴恩斯博士为新的常设总监。 The New Hanover County Board of Education has unanimously chosen to appoint Interim Superintendent Dr. Christopher Barnes as the new permanent superintendent. 巴恩斯博士自8月接任以来,因其领导才能和战略远见受到赞扬。 Dr. Barnes has received praise for his leadership and strategic vision since taking over in August. 董事会现在将开始合同谈判,正式任命他。 The board will now enter into contract negotiations to officially appoint him. Barnes博士表示感激并承诺为所有学生提供高质量的教育。 Dr. Barnes expressed his gratitude and commitment to providing a high-quality education for all students.