Stanley E. Davis,具有30多年的经验,被任命为查尔斯顿县新监狱行政长官。 Stanley E. Davis, with over 30 years of experience, appointed as new Jail Administrator in Charleston County.
查尔斯顿郡警长卡尔·里奇已任命斯坦利·戴维斯为Al Cannon拘留中心的新任监狱管理官。 Charleston County Sheriff Carl Ritchie has appointed Stanley E. Davis as the new Jail Administrator at the Al Cannon Detention Center. Davis在执法、惩戒和兵役方面有30多年的经验,他以领导和致力于恢复和安全标准而著称。 Davis, with over 30 years of experience in law enforcement, corrections, and military service, is known for his leadership and commitment to rehabilitation and security standards. Ritchie警长强调了戴维斯在加强社区安全和加强刑事司法系统方面的成绩记录和愿景。 Sheriff Ritchie highlighted Davis’s track record and vision for enhancing the community's safety and strengthening the criminal justice system.