CFPB将向信贷修理公司超额收费的430万消费者分发18亿美元。 The CFPB will distribute $1.8 billion to 4.3 million consumers overcharged by credit repair companies.
消费者金融保护局将向Lexington Law和CreditRepair.com等信用修理公司超额收费的430万消费者分配18亿美元。 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will distribute $1.8 billion to 4.3 million consumers overcharged by credit repair companies like Lexington Law and 这是CFPB受害者救济基金的最大分配款,资金来自违反消费者保护法的公司的惩罚。 This is the largest distribution from the CFPB's victims' relief fund, financed by penalties from companies that violate consumer protection laws. CFPB获得了对这些公司收取非法预付费的法律判决,导致这些公司破产和停业。 The CFPB secured a legal judgment against these companies for taking illegal advance fees, leading to their bankruptcy and shutdown. 退款将在12月至1月之间邮寄。 Refunds will be mailed between December and January.