巴哈马警务专员在美国对重大贩毒案件中的警官提出起诉时辞职。 Bahamas' Police Commissioner resigns amid US indictment of officers in major drug trafficking case.
巴哈马警务专员在美国当局就一起重大的贩毒案件起诉三名巴哈马警官之后辞职。 The Police Commissioner of the Bahamas has resigned following the indictment of three Bahamian officers by US authorities in a major drug trafficking case. 美国调查人员将本案描述为“大屠杀”,凸显了巴哈马警察部队与大规模贩毒之间的重大联系。 The case is described as "massive" by US investigators, highlighting a significant association between the Bahamian police force and large-scale drug trafficking.