巴哈马总理在指控官员向美国贩运可卡因后宣誓采取行动。 Bahamas PM vows action after US indictment accuses officials of cocaine trafficking to the US.
巴哈马总理戴维斯(Philip Davis)发誓在美国起诉巴哈马官员协助向美国贩运可卡因之后采取果断行动。 Bahamas Prime Minister Philip Davis vowed to take decisive action after a US indictment accused Bahamian officials of facilitating cocaine trafficking to the US. 这些指控涉及高级执法人员,并可能涉及一名高级政治家,被描述为对国家安全的严重侵犯。 The allegations, involving senior law enforcement and possibly a high-ranking politician, were described as a severe breach of national security. Davis承诺将制定新的立法,与美国官员合作,并全面追究有关人员的责任。 Davis promised new legislation, cooperation with US officials, and full accountability for those involved.