3名西温哥华男子在北岸救援队营救的Coliseum山上夜行中丧生。 3 West Vancouver men lost during night hike on Coliseum Mountain, rescued by North Shore Rescue.
西温哥华的三名男子在9月1日在Coliseum山的夜间徒步中迷路后获救。 Three men from West Vancouver were rescued after getting lost during a night hike on Coliseum Mountain on September 1. 他们对挑战性的足迹毫无准备,于当天晚些时候开始徒步旅行,走错方向,天黑后在帕顿峰落脚。 Unprepared for the challenging trail, they began their hike late in the day and took a wrong turn, ending up at Paton Peak after dark. 他们叫911求援 They called 911 for assistance. 北岸救援组织 第二天早上成功找到并救了他们 North Shore Rescue successfully located and rescued them the next morning. 这一事件突显了为徒步旅行者做好适当准备的重要性,特别是在秋季情况发生变化时。 The incident highlights the importance of proper preparation for hikers, especially as conditions change in autumn.