安大略省立法委员会加快了对因选举恐惧造成的亲密伴侣暴力的研究。 Ontario's legislative committee accelerates study on intimate partner violence due to election fears.
安大略省一个研究亲密伴侣暴力的立法委员会由于可能提前举行选举而不得不加快工作。 An Ontario legislative committee studying intimate partner violence has had to expedite its work due to potential early elections. 这项研究原计划详尽无遗,现定于2025年2月结束,比原计划提前两个月完成。 Originally planned to be exhaustive, the study is now set to conclude by February 2025, two months earlier than initially planned. 这在受害者和支持者中造成了挫折感。 This has caused frustration among victims and supporters. 该委员会由进步保守派Jess Dixon和新民主党Kristyn Wong-Tam共同牵头,不得不取消原计划前往Renfrew的行程,将会议搬到多伦多或虚拟环境。 The committee, co-led by Progressive Conservative Jess Dixon and New Democrat Kristyn Wong-Tam, had to cancel a planned trip to Renfrew, moving meetings to Toronto or virtual settings. 这项研究旨在解决亲密伴侣暴力问题,2023年11月至2024年11月期间,在安大略省有62名妇女丧生,其中25人死于亲密伴侣。 The study aims to address the issue of intimate partner violence, which claimed the lives of 62 women in Ontario between November 2023 and November 2024, with 25 of these deaths attributed to intimate partners.