娜塔莎·斯托特·德斯波亚 (Natasha Stott Despoja) 被任命领导南澳大利亚家庭暴力和性暴力皇家委员会。 Natasha Stott Despoja appointed to lead South Australia's Royal Commission into Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence.
前参议员兼妇女安全倡导者娜塔莎·斯托特·德斯波亚 (Natasha Stott Despoja) 被任命领导南澳大利亚家庭暴力和性暴力皇家委员会。 Natasha Stott Despoja, former senator and women's safety advocate, is appointed to lead South Australia's Royal Commission into Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence. 这项耗资 300 万美元的调查旨在解决预防、早期干预、应对、恢复和治疗以及政府机构、非政府组织和社区之间的协调问题。 The $3 million inquiry aims to address prevention, early intervention, response, recovery and healing, and coordination across government agencies, non-government organizations, and communities. 该调查从2024年7月1日到2025年7月1日,将考虑各个社区的观点和经验,为改善南澳大利亚对家庭暴力和性暴力的应对措施提供建议。 Running from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2025, the inquiry will consider various communities' views and experiences, providing recommendations to improve South Australia's response to family, domestic, and sexual violence.