马里兰州考虑在安全学校之间共享学生犯罪记录的新规则。 Maryland considers new rules to share student criminal records between schools for safety.
马里兰州立法者正在考虑制定紧急条例,以解决在分享学生犯罪史信息方面的差距。 Maryland lawmakers are considering emergency regulations to address gaps in sharing information about student criminal histories. 条例将要求学校分享关于谋杀、纵火和性犯罪等严重罪行的细节。 The regulations would require schools to share details about serious offenses like murder, arson, and sexual crimes. 目前,学生的犯罪历史在各学区之间并不共享,从而造成潜在的安全风险。 Currently, a student's criminal history is not shared between school districts, creating potential safety risks. 国家官员旨在改善学校、执法人员和青少年服务机构之间的沟通,以加强学校安全。 State officials aim to improve communication between schools, law enforcement, and juvenile services to enhance school safety.