16岁的Hoggard高中学生被控偷窃火器,企图在解雇期间逃跑。 16-year-old Hoggard High School student charged with stolen firearm possession, attempted to flee during dismissal.
北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿市的一名 16 岁霍加德高中学生被指控犯有多项罪行,包括持有被盗枪支,此前一名学校资源官员在放学期间发现了一把枪。 A 16-year-old Hoggard High School student in Wilmington, NC, was charged with multiple offenses, including possession of a stolen firearm, after a school resource officer found a gun during dismissal. 这名学生试图逃跑,但被捕。 The student attempted to flee but was apprehended. 身份因年龄而保密。 The identity is withheld due to age. 临时总监Christopher Barnes博士强调,必须有一个安全的学习环境,并敦促父母鼓励公开交流安全问题。 Interim Superintendent Dr. Christopher Barnes stressed the need for a safe learning environment and urged parents to encourage open communication about safety.