两名卡尔曼县学校学生因威胁和非法吸烟而被捕. 学监重申学区对问责制的承诺,否认了“目标名单”的谣言。 Two Cullman County School students arrested for class threats and possessing an illegal vape. Superintendent reaffirms district commitment to accountability, denies rumors of a "target list".
9 月 11 日,两名库尔曼县学校的学生被捕——一名在课堂上威胁,另一名因持有非法电子烟。 On September 11, two Cullman County Schools students were arrested—one for making threats in class and the other for possessing an illegal vape. 警长Shane Barnett博士证实进行了彻底调查,并重申了该区对问责制的承诺。 Superintendent Dr. Shane Barnette confirmed thorough investigations and reiterated the district's commitment to accountability. 他澄清说,关于“目标清单”的谣言与联邦第一标题供资有关,而不是威胁。 He clarified that rumors about a "target list" were related to federal Title I funding, not threats. 虽然没有已知的威胁,但由于最近发生的事件,该区将继续保持警惕。 While there are no known threats, the district will remain vigilant due to recent incidents.