Gold Beach初级/高级中学的一名学生制定了一份威胁名单,促使进行调查并开除该学生。 A student at Gold Beach Junior/Senior High School created a threatening list, prompting an investigation and the student's removal.
Gold Beach 初中/高中 (Gold Beach Junior/High School) 的家长在一名学生创建了一份针对特定个人的威胁名单后,担心孩子的安全。 Parents at Gold Beach Junior/Senior High School are worried for their children's safety after a student created a threatening list targeting specific individuals. 校长与受影响家庭分享了名单,并与当地警察进行了彻底调查。 The school principal shared the list with affected families, and a thorough investigation was conducted with local police. 负有责任的学生不再入学,也没有迹象表明他们能够获得武器或计划对这些威胁采取行动。 The student responsible is no longer enrolled, and there are no indications of access to weapons or plans to act on the threats. 该地区向家庭保证,安全仍然是一个优先事项。 The district reassured families that safety remains a priority.