因入室盗窃和袭击在新西兰被捕的男子,两人受伤,一人住院。 Man arrested for burglary and assault in New Zealand, injuring two, one hospitalized.
在新西兰亚历山德拉,一名52岁的男子在进入一所住宅后因严重入室盗窃和攻击而被捕,打伤两名住家,其中一人需要住院治疗。 A 52-year-old man was arrested for aggravated burglary and assault in Alexandra, New Zealand, after entering a home and injuring two occupants, one of whom required hospitalization. 嫌疑人被指控持武器入室盗窃和意图造成严重身体伤害的袭击,并将在皇后镇地方法院出庭。 The suspect is charged with burglary with a weapon and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and will appear in Queenstown District Court. 警方感谢社区协助迅速逮捕,不会提供进一步评论,因为此案现正在法庭审理中。 Police thanked the community for aiding in the swift arrest and will not provide further comments as the case is now in court.