39岁男子因住宅入室盗窃而在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇被捕;5项指控正在调查中。 39-year-old man arrested in Christchurch, NZ, for residential burglaries; 5 charges, ongoing investigation.
7月至10月,一名39岁的男子在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇被捕,罪名是针对无人居住的房屋多次入室盗窃。 A 39-year-old man has been arrested in Christchurch, New Zealand, for multiple residential burglaries targeting unoccupied homes from July to October. 他面临五项指控,进一步的调查正在进行之中。 He faces five charges, with further investigations ongoing. 警察敦促居民保护其财产,避免在社交媒体上分享敏感信息,因为这会吸引盗窃者。 Police urge residents to secure their properties and avoid sharing sensitive information on social media, as this can attract burglars. 他们还建议与邻国保持联系,报告任何可疑活动。 They also recommend maintaining communication with neighbors to report any suspicious activities.