在北爱尔兰被捕的男子是在劳蕾尔公园住宅入室盗窃时用枪指着枪逮捕的。 Man arrested in Northern Ireland after pointing gun during burglary at Laurel Park home.
一名30多岁的男子在北爱尔兰的阿霍丘尔被捕,当时他用枪指着一名男子和一名儿童入室盗窃,情节严重。 A man in his 30s was arrested in Ahoghill, Northern Ireland, after an aggravated burglary where he pointed a gun at a man and a child. 事件发生在12月30日下午7时45分左右劳蕾尔公园的一处财产上。 The incident occurred at a property in Laurel Park around 7:45 PM on December 30th. 蒙面的嫌疑人面临包括严重入室盗窃和持有受管制毒品在内的指控。 The suspect, who had his face covered, faces charges including aggravated burglary and possession of controlled drugs. 警方正在寻求证人和信息。 Police are seeking witnesses and information.