查尔斯三世国王与塞浦路斯新任高级专员会晤,强调英国-塞浦路斯的合作和共同的气候目标。 King Charles III meets Cyprus' new High Commissioner, stressing UK-Cyprus cooperation and shared climate goals.
查尔斯三世国王强调联合王国和塞浦路斯在11月26日白金汉宫的一次仪式期间继续友好合作的重要性。 King Charles III stressed the importance of continued friendly cooperation between the UK and Cyprus during a ceremony at Buckingham Palace on November 26. 塞浦路斯新任高级专员基里亚科斯·库罗斯向国王递交了他的全权证书,并转达了尼科斯·克里斯托多维德斯总统的良好祝愿。 The new High Commissioner of Cyprus, Kyriacos Kouros, presented his credentials to the King and conveyed President Nikos Christodoulides' best wishes. 国王还赞扬塞浦路斯在环境努力方面的领导作用和共同承诺应对气候变化。 The King also praised Cyprus for its leadership in environmental efforts and shared commitment to combating climate change.