查尔斯三世国王和尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布在白金汉宫会晤,讨论气候变化和加强外交关系。 King Charles III and Nigerian President Bola Tinubu met at Buckingham Palace to discuss climate change and strengthen diplomatic relations.
查尔斯三世国王在白金汉宫会见了尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布,以加强尼日利亚和联合王国之间的外交关系。 King Charles III met with Nigerian President Bola Tinubu at Buckingham Palace to strengthen diplomatic relations between Nigeria and the UK. 这是在迪拜举行的第28届缔约方会议气候变化首脑会议以来的首次会议。 This was their first meeting since the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai. 讨论的重点是气候变化以及即将举行的COP29首脑会议和英联邦政府首脑会议的潜在协作。 Discussions focused on climate change and potential collaborations for the upcoming COP29 Summit and Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Tinubu重申尼日利亚对可持续性的承诺,强调尼日利亚在非洲和英联邦的领导作用。 Tinubu reaffirmed Nigeria's commitment to sustainability, emphasizing its leadership role in Africa and the Commonwealth.