家庭寻求扩大对2015年Sheku Bayoh在苏格兰警方拘留中死亡的调查。 Family seeks expansion of inquiry into 2015 death of Sheku Bayoh in Scottish police custody.
Sheku Bayoh的家人正在推动调查他2015年在警方拘留中死亡一事,以扩大调查范围,包括审查王室办公室不起诉涉案官员的决定。 Sheku Bayoh's family is pushing for the inquiry into his 2015 death in police custody to be expanded to include an examination of the Crown Office's decision not to prosecute the officers involved. Aamer Anwar律师说,Bracadale勋爵领导的调查,如果不延长调查期,就无法完成任务。 Lawyer Aamer Anwar says the inquiry, led by Lord Bracadale, cannot complete its task without this extension. 尽管来自Bayoh家族的压力,苏格兰政府正在考虑这项请求,但尚未作出决定。 The Scottish government is considering the request but has not yet made a decision, despite pressure from the Bayoh family. 调查已经在调查Bayoh死亡的情况,以及种族是否在警方行动中起了作用。 The inquiry is already investigating the circumstances of Bayoh's death and whether race played a role in the police's actions.