苏格兰警察退休官员菲奥娜·泰勒 (Fiona Taylor) 透露,尽管做出了不起诉的决定,但警方并未获得 2015 年 Pirc 关于巴约先生死亡的报告。 Retired Police Scotland official Fiona Taylor disclosed that the force did not obtain the 2015 Pirc report on Mr. Bayoh's death, despite the non-prosecution decision.
已退休的副总警司菲奥娜·泰勒 (Fiona Taylor) 透露,尽管苏格兰检察总长决定不起诉涉案警官,但苏格兰警察局从未收到过关于 2015 年巴约先生死亡事件的“极其有价值”的警察调查和审查专员 (Pirc) 报告。 Retired deputy chief constable Fiona Taylor revealed that Police Scotland never received the "incredibly valuable" Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (Pirc) report on the 2015 death of Mr. Bayoh, despite the lord advocate's decision not to prosecute officers involved. 调查正在审查巴约死亡的具体情况、警方的反应、调查过程以及种族因素。 The inquiry is examining circumstances, police response, investigation, and race factor in Bayoh's death.