中国敦促韩国在南朝鲜实施戒严法时保护中国国民。 China urges South Korea to protect Chinese nationals as South Korea imposes martial law.
中国外交部发言人林健敦促大韩民国(韩国)在韩国临时实施戒严法之后,确保中国国民和机构在其境内的安全。 China's foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian urged the Republic of Korea (ROK) to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and institutions within its borders, following the temporary imposition of martial law in the ROK. 虽然中国不会评论韩国的内部事务,但建议韩国公民谨慎行事。 While China will not comment on the ROK's internal affairs, it advised its citizens to exercise caution. Lin说,中国对朝鲜半岛的立场没有改变。 Lin stated that China's position on the Korean Peninsula remains unchanged.