南朝鲜否认最近采取军事行动和传单运动煽动北朝鲜。 South Korea denies provoking North Korea with recent military actions and leaflet campaigns.
韩国国防部否认12月在戒严前激怒朝鲜。 South Korea's defense ministry denies it provoked North Korea ahead of martial law in December. 它驳斥关于暂停军事协定和恢复扩音器广播是蓄意挑衅的说法,声称这些行动是阻止北朝鲜挑衅的一贯政策的一部分。 It refutes claims that suspending a military agreement and resuming loudspeaker broadcasts were intentional provocations, stating these actions were part of a consistent policy to deter North Korean provocations. 国防部也否认计划炮轰朝鲜垃圾充斥的气球, 并发送反平壤传单。 The ministry also denies planning artillery strikes in response to North Korea's trash-filled balloons and sending anti-Pyongyang leaflets.