中国否认英国广播公司关于新疆番茄工业强迫劳动的指控, China denies BBC claims of forced labor in Xinjiang's tomato industry, citing machine harvesting.
中国外交部发言人Lin Jian驳回了英国广播公司关于新疆番茄工业强迫劳动的指控。 China's foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, dismissed BBC allegations of forced labor in Xinjiang's tomato industry. Lin声称,新疆90%的西红柿都是机器收获的,并批评BBC的报告依赖假设和未经核实的来源。 Lin claimed that 90% of Xinjiang's tomatoes are machine-harvested, and criticized the BBC report for relying on assumptions and unverified sources. 他鼓励人们访问新疆,亲眼看一看。 He encouraged people to visit Xinjiang to see for themselves.