大众公司在中国新疆出售工厂,以解决人权关切和经济因素。 Volkswagen sells its factory in China's Xinjiang to address human rights concerns and economic factors.
德国汽车制造商大众汽车计划将其位于中国新疆地区的工厂和试验车道出售给一家中国国有公司,即上海汽车检查中心. German carmaker Volkswagen plans to sell its factory and test track in China's Xinjiang region to a state-owned Chinese company, Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center. 由于该地区侵犯人权和强迫劳动的指控,这一举动是在多年施加压力之后采取的。 This move follows years of pressure due to allegations of human rights abuses and forced labor in the region. 该公司在新疆的业务受到检查,维吾尔人和其他穆斯林少数民族成为攻击目标。 The company has faced scrutiny over its operations in Xinjiang, where Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities have been targeted. 尽管在目前业务中没有发现强迫劳动的证据,大众汽车公司正在离开该区域,以解决投资者的关切和经济因素。 Despite not finding evidence of forced labor in its current operations, Volkswagen is exiting the region to address investor concerns and economic factors.