拜登的新规则将使航空公司向乘客支付775美元,用于长期拖延或取消航班。 Biden's new rules would make airlines pay passengers up to $775 for long delays or cancellations.
拜登行政当局正在提议新的规则,要求航空公司为航空公司造成的飞行延误或取消飞行支付乘客现金补偿。 The Biden administration is proposing new rules that would require airlines to pay passengers cash compensation for flight delays or cancellations caused by the airline. 超过3小时的延误可赔偿200美元,延迟9小时或以上者可赔偿775美元。 Compensation could range from $200 for delays of over 3 hours to $775 for delays of 9 hours or more. 该提案还包括为受困乘客免费重新预订、膳食和住宿。 The proposal also includes free rebooking, meals, and lodging for stranded passengers. 公众有60天时间来评论这项提案,其目的是使美国的乘客权利与欧洲的乘客权利相一致。 The public has 60 days to comment on the proposal, which aims to align U.S. passenger rights with those in Europe. 航空公司争辩说,新规则可能导致票价上涨。 Airlines argue that the new rules could lead to higher ticket prices.