西部马萨诸塞州遭遇严重干旱,除科德角外,大部分州都受到影响。 Western Massachusetts experiences severe fall drought, impacting most of the state except Cape Cod.
西马萨诸塞州经历了历史上的干旱降水,格林菲尔德和阿姆赫斯特的降水量大大低于通常。 Western Massachusetts saw a historically dry fall, with Greenfield and Amherst receiving significantly less precipitation than usual. 这一干旱期沿循该区域极端的天气模式,除了科德角和南部岛屿外,已导致全州范围的干旱。 This dry period follows extreme weather patterns in the region and has led to a state-wide drought, except for Cape Cod and southern islands. 富兰克林县的燃烧禁令因最近的降雨而被解除,但干旱仍在继续。 Burning bans in Franklin County have been lifted due to recent rains, but the drought continues.