研究显示,犹太人和以色列裔美国人面临严重的雇佣歧视,需要更多求职申请。 Study reveals Jewish and Israeli Americans face significant hiring discrimination, needing more applications for job responses.
反诽谤联盟(反诽谤联盟)发布了一项研究报告,表明对犹太人和以色列裔美国求职者的严重歧视。 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released a study showing significant discrimination against Jewish and Israeli American job-seekers. 犹太裔美国人需要寄发24.2%以上的申请,而有以色列声名的美国人则需要寄送39%以上的申请,以获得与有西欧背景的美国人相同的回复率。 Jewish Americans need to send 24.2% more applications, while those with Israeli-sounding names need to send 39% more to receive the same response rate as those with Western European backgrounds. 这项研究是数十年来首次进行的这类研究,它表明犹太人面临着明显的雇用歧视,比其他一些少数民族要少,但仍然很严重。 The study, the first of its kind in decades, suggests Jews face notable hiring discrimination, less than some other minorities but still significant. 反歧视联盟呼吁对这些歧视性做法采取行动。 The ADL is calling for action against these discriminatory practices.