报告:自2017年以来,未登记入学儿童人数上升了40%,2023年达到305 000人。 Report: Number of unregistered children in education up 40% since 2017, reaching 305,000 in 2023.
教育政策研究所(EPI)的一份报告显示,六年来未在任何教育机构注册的儿童增加了40%,从2017年的215 000人增加到2023年的305 000人。 A report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) shows a 40% rise in children not registered in any educational setting over six years, from 215,000 in 2017 to 305,000 in 2023. 由于旷课时间过长,这一流行病导致了这一增长。 The pandemic contributed to this increase due to prolonged school absences. EPI还注意到,家庭学校入学率提高了127%,从42 000人增加到95 000人。 The EPI also notes a 127% rise in homeschooling, from 42,000 to 95,000 children. 报告表明,这些失踪儿童往往十分脆弱,可能面临风险和不良后果。 The report suggests these missing children are often vulnerable and may face risks and poor outcomes.