卡塔尔在英国气候技术领域投资10亿英镑,创造就业机会,推进清洁能源目标。 Qatar invests £1 billion in UK climate tech, creating jobs and advancing clean energy goals.
卡塔尔将在联合王国气候技术方面投资10亿英镑,旨在为两国创造数千个就业机会,并启动气候技术中心。 Qatar will invest £1 billion in UK climate technology, aiming to create thousands of jobs and launch climate tech hubs in both nations. 投资包括为劳斯莱斯-罗伊斯的能源效率方案提供资金,并支持联合王国成为清洁能源领头人的目标。 The investment includes funding for Rolls-Royce's energy efficiency programs and supports the UK's goal of becoming a clean energy leader. 这项交易是在卡塔尔埃米尔对联合王国进行国事访问期间宣布的,尽管预计总理将与卡塔尔一道处理人权问题。 The deal was announced during the Emir of Qatar's state visit to the UK, though the Prime Minister is expected to address human rights concerns with Qatar.